Friday, February 8, 2008

Don't Throw That Hand Away -- Yet!

the more online poker you play, the more you tend to multi-table.

the more you multi-table, the more often you tend to discard junk cards.

wait a minute!

they're only junk if somebody has a better hand!

If there's garbage on the flop, and a check around, shouldn't you be looking at this as a bluffing opportunity rather than simply mucking your cards?

Of course you should.

It's just that you don't have time to if you're multi-tabling. Bluffing requires that you actually be AT the table, notice that player who hesitates --- MIGHT have a pair -- but decides to check -- and so on.

The goal of poker is to win the maximum amount of money. When you fold, especially when you could check, you're tossing away opportunity. Sometimes it's the right thing to do. But not always.

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