Monday, February 4, 2008

Getting Bluffed Because You're playing Defensive Poker

Defensive poker is basically folding any hand whenever the board pairs, a possible straight or flush appears, and someone else bets AS IF they hold it.

And you don't.

Defensive poker is, I've found, the only way to play the game. Yet it opens me up to excessive bluffing. Anybody who knows that's how I play, if I check inthe face of a possible flush, they know all they have to do is raise and I'm outta there.

How can I defend against this?

One, I can occasionally slowplay when I have the possible flush or whatever.

Two, I can KNOW MY OPPONENTS and know which ones are likely to try this, based on the results of my slowplayed hands.

Three. I can call a hand now and then, fully expecting to lose, just to keep 'em honest.

Four, I can use my bluffing radar detector? Is the person who raised in late position? Obviously, they're later than I am. How big's their bet? Is it serious or a "hmm, I'll give this a try" bet. When they do it repeatedly, do they ever show their cards?

No answers, many questions.

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