Sunday, December 23, 2007

Introduction to Bluffing at Low-Stakes Poker

After you've learned to make as much money as you can with the cards you're dealt, it's time to start making money on the cards you don't have. Bluffing. It's not like the classic duel you see in the movies, a showdown on the very last card of the game. Most bluffing, especially in low-stakes poker is done LONG before the final card is dealt. To bluff effectively you have to bluff often, until it becomes as natural, and unemotional as playing the cards you DO have. I recommend practicing your bluffing in play money poker rooms. Begin by learning to spot good bluffing opportunities. If you're in late position, and everybody in front of you has checked, throw out a bet. That's the simplest, albeit the most transparent bluff you can make. In this blog I'm going to take you from your first few tentative bluffs to bluffing as a regular part of every game you play.

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