Sunday, December 23, 2007

Who Ya Gonna Call?

The real title of this post should be "Who's gonna call YOU?"

Obviously, the guy who HAS the CARDS to win is gonna call you if you try bluffing on a scare hand -- a hand where a full, flush, or other juicy hand is clearly "visible" on the table.

Somebody who has SOMETHING, even just a small pair, and SUSPECTS YOU'RE BLUFFING is going to call you even if you go "all-in".

If you're not careful, they may even re-raise you!

Calling a bluffer becomes a matter of principle for many players long after they've abandoned any economic reason or common sense. I

n their mind, bluffing is akin to cheating! You know better. You deserve to win whether you were dealt the winning cards or not!

The trick is not to give these players a reason to call you.

Let's consider three sizes of bluff: small, medium, and large -- or "all-in"

Certainly an "all-in" makes it potentially the most painful for someone to call you. It's also the LEAST believable, if you're already suspected of bluffing.

A "small" bet won't deter enough players. "Ahh, what' the heck, let's see what Wade's got"

Therefore, a medium bet, anywhere from a couple of times the blind to 1/2 of your bankroll is usually the most effective size for bluffing.

If you've gotten "caught" bluffing, obviously, the strategy is to lay low for awhile. Pass the time figuring out who ELSE at your table might be bluffing now and then.

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