Saturday, January 26, 2008

After you get caught

What do you do after you get caught bluffing. Not MAYBE caught, but publicly exposed, humiliated, maybe even a snide remark in the chat box?

Tighten up? Try and restore your credibility, by showing your cards after hands you win.

Is that really the best response?

Isn't that exactly what your opponents will expect you to do?

I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just asking you to think about it.

How about making an outrageous bluff on a small pot instead, TRYING to get caught.

Your reputation as a bluffer can be invaluable in getting people to later call you all the way to the moon when you DO have the cards. Getting caught twice in a row will CEMENT your reputation as a bluff-a-holic.

All I'm saying is, "Think about it!"

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