Monday, January 28, 2008

Board Texture and Bluffing -- Reprint

Here's an interesting article on bluffing. What I noticed was that it discussed board texture when bluffing, something I hadn't thought about.

The Nature Of The Board

The nature of the board greatly affects the chance of a bluff succeeding. For instance a board presenting a lot of draws is usually not a good spot to bluff, as someone is bound to have some kind of a hand or a draw. Also the higher the cards, the more likely it is that someone has hit the flop, as people tend to play higher cards more frequently the low cards. But this might in turn provide a good bluffing opportunity against a small number of opponents, where you feel that your opponent is on a draw.

After I think about board texture some more, and play some more while thinking about it maybe I'll have something to add.

Well, ok, here's one thing I've noticed about board texture. An extremely VISIBLE possible straight, where the table cards are actually laid out in order, 5-6-7 works far better than 7-5-6 where SOME players might miss the fact there's a PS.

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