Wednesday, January 30, 2008

bluffing about your skill level -- reprint

You can bluff about being a poker newbie as well

There is only 1 reason to want poker players to think you are a beginner and it is to take their money. Here are some ways to make them believe you are in a casino poker room for the very first time.

Looking impressed when being escorted to a texas holdem poker table in the casino's poker room would be a sign that you have not been in the casino. The closer you get t the table the harder the other players will be checking you out. When you get to the table make a stupid joke, it will make you seem stupid and will help you pull off the "I don’t know what I am doing" look on your face. This will make sure the other layers will not give you any respect and this is what you want. You want them checking you out and looking to see what are your tells and how good a poker face you have.

In an online poker game you do not have to worry about making faces or noises of pleasure when you get a good hand unless you are on webcam, but when you are playing texas holdem in a casinos poker room the other players are watching you to see your expressions during the deal and when the communal cards are being turned over. When you have a really bad hand and are going to fold make sure to let it show on your face. Then when you fold people will think they have a read on you and will always rely on your face to show what you have this can allow you to bluff them from time to time.

During the game, eventually you will get a good hand, when this occurs you should start betting big and keep raising the bet, then if someone challenges you try to raise the bet past the table limit. This will make it obvious that you have very little experience in a casino. The point is that you need to win this hand, so do not start raising the bet unless you are sure you have a good chance of winning. You should make sure to have at least a full house in your hand at the time, but if you do lose the hand it also lend credibility to the illusion that you o not know what you are doing in the poker room.

When you first sit down at the poker table you should just play bad. Stay in the hand with just a high card. Raise the bet when you only have a pair or are hoping that you will get a good hand after all the cards are turned over. This is a great way to make people think you are a first time or inexperienced player.

They way you dress can tell people how good a player you are. If you go into the casinos poker room and sit at a texas holdem poker table dressed like someone who is a professional player at the cheapest table in the house, with all the sponsors on your shirt, a hat pulled low over your eyes an a dark pair of sunglasses, everyone would not only assume you have never been in a real poker room before, but they will think you a fool and laugh at you. They will not suspect you to be a hustler, but make sure to play badly at first. If you dress like that and you start winning right off people will think you to be a professional player.

Always Remember you want people to think that you are a first time player, but you also want to win some money, so playing foolish the entire time will make them think that you obviously do not know how to play, but you are not going to win any of their money and they are going to go home with yours. This is not the kind of thing that you need to set up for the next time you are at that casino. It is also good to keep in mind that if you

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