Monday, January 28, 2008

Random Bluffs

Most humans are far too logical, and rational, to make good poker players.

They pair an ace on the flop, they bet $1000. Two pair, $2000. Flush, $4000.

Even more predictable is pre-flop betting. Pocket Pairs of royalty or A-K or something "good" and they raise the blinds. Like clockwork.

All they're doing is giving YOU information about what's in their hand because the flop is just as likely to be 2 7 10 as it is A-K -4.

When they're dissapointed is the absolute best time to bluff them. They just want to get this miserable hand over with.

So to throw off the scent, sometimes when I have 7-2, ostensibly the worst hole cards in poker, I'll raise pre-flop. Or some other garbage.

Sometimes when I have absolutely nothing on the flop I'll toss in a big raise.

And jeez, you wouldn't believe how many times you bet big on garbage it either hits on the flop or everyone folds.

And even if they don't, and you lose, you've made yourself unpredictable. And that's a good thing.

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