Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shutting down a bluffer

I've had guys taunting me, daring me to call their bluff.

One time my response in the chat box was "I call bluffers when I know I have them beat, not when I maybe have them beat."

These were guys who were bluffing right and left. Every opportunity that came their way.

Sometimes you gotta let them bluff.

Let them beat you. Even though you know to the core of your soul they're bluffing.

You've got a pair of aces, they're bluffing trip 8's, and all you can do is lay it down.

Because it's too expensive if you're wrong.

Wait until they try it and you hold the nuts. Then give 'em both barrels.

Quit trying to be the table policeman, like the US tries to be the cops of the world. Let someone else call their bluffs. Let them clean out the sheep at the table who are too scared to stand up to themselves. Yes, that should be you money, but for now, evil's gonna prevail.

Your hand will come, and you'll get most if not all of their ill-gotten gains in one fell swoop.

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