Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Are they bluffing or not?

Look back at your own experience. More than 50% of the time you called what you thought was a bluff you were wrong. And it cost you a LOT more than if you'd just folded.

So WHAT if you're percieved as a passive player who "always folds when raised large." Screw it, you make enough winning with cards and your OWN bluffs.

Why are you trying to stop THEM from bluffing.

It takes enough brain cells just to bluff your own hands. Trying to determine when THEY'RE bluffing takes 5X as many.

But you're determinted to try, aren't you.

Ok. What signals did you and the other players give. Did you provide a likely opportunity for this person to bluff?

What are the bluffs this player "always" tries. Hey, if they're succeeding, you might not even know!

How much does this player usually bet when he or she bluffs. A fixed % of the pot, a lot but not all-in,....point is, you don't know, DO YOU!

Is the players bet consistent with earlier betting or is a miracle, hit trips on the river kinda thing?

I just don't think you can ever gain enough information on another bluffer to try and call them. If they're aggravating you, switch tables. Or avoid head to head showdowns. Let them bluff, just keep watching and learning.

But give up on trying to call their bluff(s).

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