Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Excessive Bluffing

So I sit down at an online table, and see a player with the handle "Alwayzbluf."

"What an idiot" was my first thought.

Bluffing works best in very small doses, at advantageous times and positions, against limited #'s of opponents, bookended on both sides by hands in which you actually had the cards.

And sure enough, this guy proceeded to try and bluff every available opportunity.

Didn't take the table long to get onto him, and since seven people were tired/annoyed of his attempts, he got called constantly. His money was quickly gone, often taken by people who otherwise might not have stayed, chased, and drawn the miracle cards they needed. If enough people chase (just like in 2/5 bet limit tables, where people will call anything to the river) at least one out of the six will always get lucky.

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