Monday, January 28, 2008

The Bet That Dare Not Speak It's Name

Bluffing is like masterbating. Almost everybody does it at one time or another but it's not something most people talk it, no matter how good it may feel.

Especially when you "succeed."

If gambling is the lure of easy money, bluffing has cherries and sprinkles on top.

Some people feel VERY embarrassed when they get caught -- bluffing.

Just as I've REPEATEDLY told others "there's no apologizing in poker" I have to remind some "there's NO shame in bluffing." And I'll have players argue with me, telling me how virtuous they are because they don't bluff.

Personally I have no shame about it -- bluffing, that is. Getting caught is a good thing. A terrific thing. For an hour afterwards people will call ANY bet you make.

I will lie through my teeth about whether or not I bluff. "I NEVER Bluff" I will say until you begin to believe it. If they say, "Well what about that hand, I caught you red-handed!" I'll lie again "I was on a draw" or "Actually, I misread my hand."

Decide if you want a reputation as a big bluffer, a little bluffer, or a straight shooter, and answer accordingly. People have an amazing ability to rationalize. And just like bluffing, claiming you never do probably provides your highest EV+ (expected value)

The better bluffers never, ever show their cards with an "Ha! I bluffed you!" sneer. They always leave their mark the rationalization, "Well, maybe he/she had good cards."

Cause nobody likes being bluffed.

In fact, the most vexing players I come up against are those who are better bluffers than I am. I may know to the core of my soul they're bluffing, but they knew I had crap for cards, and knew I wouldn't dare call them.

I find, even at "Monopoly Money" games nobody talks about bluffing, except those who claim they don't ever do it.

Bluffing, like sex, is an uncomfortable subject for a lot of players, both those who do it and are good at it and do it frequently, and those who aren't.

I've never heard (or read, in a chat box) two players discussing their bluffing techniques. And why would you, if you've got one that's working, you're going to keep your mouth shut about it.

The majority of the articles I read about bluffing are so incredibly simplistic they're not worth reading. Which is a large part of why I wrote this.

Why can't people discuss bluffing, laugh about it when they get caught, and enjoy bluffing as an integral part of the game.

Most people enjoy playing against better players than themselves, and those are the players that bluff more. Everyone IMAGINES themselves sitting down at the WSOP and somehow being able to hold their own, just as they IMAGINE they could drive at Indianapolis if ONLY someone would give them a race car.

I don't know, but they don't.

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